Fellowship Framework
From scholar talent identification to long-term mentorship, and internship placements, all AGS scholars are embedded in a comprehensive, end - to - end supportive community, designed to help each Scholar become the best they can be.
Do you have what it takes?
Thereis no single profile for what makes a scholar, however there are a few qualities we look for in an AGSscholar. These include:
- A consistent history of exceptional academic or artistic performance.
- Deep personal drive, determination and grit.
- Self-awareness and a compelling personal narrative
- Innate perennial curiosity.
- A commitment to becoming better and positively impacting society.
Multiple Pipelines
General Eligibility Requirments:
- Must be of African descent and must currently live in Africa.
- Must have good knowledge of English.
- Must have excellent academic record covering at least 3 years.
- Must have a history of social engagement, hobbies and extra-curricular activities.
- Must be able to demonstrate financial need.
- Must be passionate and exceptional in at least one subject.
- Must demonstrate alignment with the 9 AGS values.
Eligibility requirement for prep school program assistance:
- Must meet all general eligibility requirements.
- Must be between grades 8-10.
- Must be under 17 years at the time of application.
- Must meet all application deadlines and orientations.
Eligibility requirement for college application assistance:
- Must meet all general eligibility requirements
- Must have graduated secondary school or must be in the last year of secondary school.
- Must have exceptional secondary school results and standardized test results.
- Must meet all application deadlines and orientations.
- Must be willing to commit to returning to home country for at- least 2 years following graduation.
- Applications for 2021 Cohort 1 will Open on the 1st of December and close on the 15th of March 2021.
- Successful Cohort 1 applications will be notified on the 15th of May 2021.

- Complete application before dead line March 2021.
- Upload results and transcripts for the last two academic years.
- Upload results of all national tests taken.
- Upload results of all standardized tests taken.
- Upload three letters of recommendation (optional).
- Upload any additional documents (essays, publications etc., that highlight exceptional ability)